News and events published by FAO partners embedded into the FAO Country Profiles

The FAO Country Profiles is now embedding news and events related to agriculture, forestry, fisheries and rural development published by FAO partners and registered in the innovative and fast-growing AgriFeeds service.AgriFeeds is a service that allows users to search, filter and re-publish news and events from several RSS feeds. It is a one-stop shop on recent information related to agriculture (including fisheries, natural resources and related domains). The service has been developed by FAO in partnership with the Consultative Groups on International Agriculture Research (CGIAR), the Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA), the Global Forum on Agriculture Research (GFAR), the Global Forest Information Service (GFIS) and the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists (IAALD).The FAO Country Profiles give access to these news and events coming from more than 50 information sources already registered in AgriFeeds.To see an example of news and events coming from AgriFeeds: To learn more about AgriFeeds: