Survey on the Horizon 2020 template for Data Management Plans

The European Commission provides Guidelines on FAIR Data Management in Horizon 2020. A template for writing a Data Management Plan (DMP) is provided in the annex of those Guidelines. The OpenAIRE project aims to support the Commission’s ambitions regarding Open Science and FAIR – Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable – data. Therefore the Research Data Management team in OpenAIRE  is interested to learn about your experience with this specific template. Please complete the Survey HERE. The survey will close on June 21st 2017


In particular, the Research Data Management team in OpenAIRE would like to hear from:

  • researchers, principal investigators, project coordinators and others who have written Horizon 2020 DMPs, as well as from
  • research support staff who provide expertise and practical support to DMP writers.

OpenAIRE will publish a summary of the responses to the survey and recommendations on the project website.

The survey results will also be used as an input to the FAIR data expert group, which will contribute to an evaluation of the Horizon 2020 DMP template and suggest future revisions.

The Research Data Management team in OpenAIRE thanks for your participation, and also to the Dutch National Coordination Point RDM for the questions provided from their recent survey on DMP reviewing experiences.


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