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  • AGORA : Tracking Usage Growth and Capacity Development

    Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA) is one of the four programmes making up Research4Life (R4L) f  acilitated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. AGORA's goal is to provide free or low cost access (complementary to open access) to peer-reviewed journals (to ...
  • L’Agroécologie a son dictionnaire ! Découvrez et contribuez à cette belle initiative innovante !

    Le dictionnaire propose actuellement 30 définitions de termes qui contribuent à définir ce qu’est l’Agroécologie, de l’Agriculture de conservation à la Vie du sol en passant par le Biocontrôle, l’Ecopathologie, ou encore les Services écosystémiques._________________________________________________________________________________________________Le dictionnaire d’Agroécologie, en ligne depuis octobre 2016, ...
  • Join Free Webinar! Publishing Open Data in Agricultural Research

    (Image credit: Max Pixel : Creative Commons Zero - CC0)2nd Ed. Access to Scientific Information Resources in Agriculture (ASIRA) Online Course for low-income countries will start on April 10th. 2nd Ed. of the course accommodates 95 participants from 18 different countries. Webinars are valuable component of the course like it was in ...
  • CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture : to Organize, Convene, Inspire

    The ultimate goal of the CGIAR Big Data Coordination Platform is to harness the capabilities of big data to accelerate and enhance the impact of international agricultural research. This 6-year platform (2017 – 2022) will provide global leadership in organizing open data, convening partners to develop innovative ideas, and demonstrating the power of ...