The 6th newsletter of the FAO Country Profiles is now available. It includes an article on 'Embracing the W3C Linked Open Data initiative' emphasizing the recent release of the Geopolitical Ontology in RDF format. This issue features the latest list of Low-Income Food-Deficit Countries and also unveils the top 5 ...
The FAO Country Profiles portal is embracing the W3C Linked Open Data (LOD) initiative and recently released its Geopolitical Ontology in RDF format, including reference data used to manage country-based information and relevant key resources. The portal is also exposing some data in RDFa, which improves search and reuse....
Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR)
Draft 2011 Workplan for the CIARD RING__________________________________________________________________
1. Increasing the coverage
The usefulness of the RING as an infrastructure for interoperability is proportional to the number and relevance of the information services / sources featured in the system. Currently, 130 services and 109 providers are featured in the RING.
The term “hita-hita” was employed to signify something that penetrates gently and smoothly. As of 2011, a total of 760,000 research papers are accessible through IRs across Japan.
Open Access (OA) is not politically forced at state level or institution level. Instead, a repository manager-level lateral solidarity has been built to share ...
We had to patch the existing OAI-PMH2 module for Drupal to achieve the following:
implement the ListSets method and provide an admin ionterface to decide which categorization to use for sets.
Provide the Set argument for the ListRecords method
Customize the OAI identifier metadata element in order to comply with ...