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  • Travel to Tucson for the Rangelands West project

    Travel to Tucson (AZ), USA.. Purpose: Attend the Face-to-face meeting for the launch of the Rangelands West project taking place from 7th to 10th September 2010 at the University of Arizona. The theme of the meeting is to discuss the Rangelands project where OEKC is a consultant partner on the overall ...
  • Start of e-consultation and first question

    Dear all, With this message I woud like to kick-off this e-consultation about "Agridrupal" . On the agro=idrupal site several documents and presentations can be found about Agridrupal. The site also gives kind of a mission statement. From this statement: "AgriDrupal is both a suite of Drupal-based solutions for agricultural ...
  • FAO Country Profiles Newsletter No. 03

    The third newsletter of the FAO Country Profiles portal has arrived. Inside you will find a focus on 'Standards and Reference Data for country-based information' and a special feature about the 'Nutrition Country Profiles '. The Newsletter also provides information regarding the 'FAO Corporate Document Repository's harvested publications' as well ...
  • RDF solutions in Drupal and Agrovoc use case discussed at DrupalCon

    On August 26th, at DrupalCon in Copenhagen, two "Birds of a Feather" meetings were held on Drupal and RDF. Stéphane Carlosquet and Lin Clark demonstrated the latest versions of their modules (and also RDFa in core) and in the last sessions several use cases were discussed, among which our ...