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  • Results from meeting with SEMIC-EU

    I am just back from my meetings with SEMiC-EU. Just to recap: SEMIC-EU (European Union- Semantic Interoperability Center) is an initiative of DG-IT (the CIO of the commission). It has been set up in 2007 to facilitate data exchange for e-government.  DG-IT is not only responsible for the internal IT structure ...
  • "Unifying" FAO statistic flags

    A working group in support of the corporate "SCWG"  has agreed a method to unify FAO "flags" on statistical databases.  Instead of forcing all data owners into a unified flag system, a concept scheme (Ontology) will be constructed that refers the different flags to each other and to international flagging ...
  • AIMS - Relating each product to a specific group

     Hi all, As discussed today during the weekly tea meeting, I have prepared the following excel file to get your feedback on mapping each product to a proper theme. You will find the file at this link. If you do not have acces, let me know!  I would be great ...
  • [New Publication] The CIARD RING, an infrastructure for interoperability of agricultural research information services

      Creating integrated information services in agriculture giving access and adding value to information residing in distributed sources remains a major challenge. In distributed architectures, value added services by definition interface several information sources / services. Therefore value added services cannot be built without an awareness of what others have done: which ...