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  • Overview studies on OA citation advantage

    There is now a body of research on the citation advantage of Open Access publishing. Must admit that it makes me a bit tired as most studies are rather biased. But they are very nicely categorised  by Alma Swan in eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/18516/2/Citation_advantage_paper.pdf
  • Zepheira presents Linked Data Model for FAO country profiles

    Still last year we had hired the Zepheira folks to make an analysis of the FAO country profiles and to show us where to go in the future. The attached report is highly relevant for our Product "F06G11302:  Linked data information services on agricultural science and technology"  
  • Patch to use taxonomy field as conditional field!

    Conditional fields module only allows setting cck fields as conditional fields. If you modify some in conditional fields module you can set also taxonomy field as conditional field. In this function: function conditional_fields_content_admin_field(&$form) row 358 comment this if (!$allowed_values[$field['field_name']] = content_allowed_values($...