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  • DC-2009 in Seoul: FAO presentation on "Designing AGRIS 2010"

    This year the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Application focused on linked data and the enabling of the Semantic Web. The conference explored "the conceptual and practical issues in breaking the constraints of data silos and connecting pieces of data, information, and knowledge. Metadata is a key to ...
  • [New Publication] The AGROVOC Concept Server: rationale, goals and usage

    Purpose - The main objective of the AGROVOC Concept Server (CS) is to create a collaborative reference platform and a "one-stop" shop for a pool of commonly used concepts related to agriculture, containing terms, definitions and relationships between terms in multiple languages derived from various sources. This paper aims to ...
  • Major Romeo update

    AS we are working on Open Access mayber this is relevant: the Sherpa / Romeo site has just announced a major upgrade, see http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/news/romeo09.html
  • Comment on the Ring

    I sent some comments to Valeria about the Ring prototype and she suggested I post it here, hope to start a thread of comments Here goes what I sent:   "Hope you are doing fine. Sorry I did not look into this before, and i think you sent also something to ...