AgriFeeds, the new service to provide aggregated news and events information, is now available for testing
AgriFeeds is the new service realized to study and provide aggregated view on news and upcoming events in the area of agriculture (including, Forestry, Fisheries, Food security and related domains such as Sustainable Development, Nutrition, etc). The service is part of a "feasibility study" on the use of web-feeds for aggregating and filtering news and events. It allows feed owners to register their feeds (News and Events) which then are aggregated with other registered feeds. On the user side, the site allows users to make a one-stop search and filter on news and events aggregated daily from these registered agricultural information sources. The filtering criteria can be saved to create a custom feed which will always contain updated results meeting a user's requirement and can be read using a feed reader or/and be embedded into a website. AgriFeeds is different from other RSS aggregators in that it aims at higher quality in: selection, subject indexing, metadata description and tailoring of the information. We are looking for organizations and individuals who want to test AgriFeeds in their applications and provide us with useful feedback to improve the service further.