Agricultural Events Application Profile (Ag-Events AP) is now available for use!

After a period of testing by FAO, GFAR and GFIS, the Agricultural Events Application Profile (Ag-Events AP) is now available to share information about upcoming events in the domain of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry and related subject areas. There are many aspects of an event, ranging from simple announcement to detailed description with session breakdowns so the goal of this standard was to provide enough information that allows users to ‘know’ about an upcoming event and guide them to the event web site which provides further detailed information. The standard can be implemented using web feeds such as RSS and Atom. In addition to the mandatory fields of RSS such as title, link, pubDate and description, the event feed needs to contain information such as start and end dates of the event and the city and country where the event is taking place. This information allows aggregators (Service Providers) to create services such as: browse events by country or region, one-click insert of event metadata into outlook calendars, filter events based on date to show upcoming events. The Ag-Events AP keeps the information communicated simple yet interoperable across domains and organizations. Examples of services currently using Ag-Events AP are AgriFeeds ( and Global Forest Information Service ( A tool will soon be made available that allows users to create the modified event related RSS feeds compliant with Ag-Events AP.