10-12 October 2018: Science Forum 2018 : Win more, lose less: Capturing synergies between SDGs through AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH (Stellenbosch, South Africa)
The CGIAR’S Independent Science and Partnership Council (ISPC*) has opened registration for the upcoming SCIENCE FORUM 2018 (SF18) on “Win more, lose less: Capturing synergies between SDGs through agricultural research”.
SF18 will be held from 10-12 October 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa.
The objective of this year’s Forum is to identify substantial interactions among :
Results will contribute to the discussion of developing research themes and frameworks in CGIAR. |
Key topics include:
- Interactions between increasing staple crop productivity, resilience to climate change, improving nutrition and sustaining agro-biodiversity
- Interactions between intensifying livestock production for food and nutrition security, and: a) increased vulnerability to antimicrobial resistance and zoonoses; b) land use change
- Water-energy-food (WEF) nexus interactions
- Strengthening the science-policy interface
* ISPC is a part of CGIAR, - a global research partnership for a food secure future dedicated to achieving a world free of poverty, hunger and environmental degradation. The ISPC is a standing panel of scientific experts whose mission is to help strengthen the quality, relevance, and impact of CGIAR research by enhancing the CGIAR System Council’s capacity to make evidence-based decisions in support of effective agricultural research programs for sustainable development.
Bringing in external perspectives to engage in discussion with CGIAR stakeholders is fundamental to the Forum’s success so please feel free to promote the event through your networks or share details via social media (#scienceforum2018): https://twitter.com/ispc_cgiar/status/994581553371140097 SF18 website: https://www.scienceforum2018.org |
* Policy coherence for sustainable development 2018. This report applies the institutional, analytical and monitoring elements of the “policy coherence for sustainable development” framework to identify challenges and opportunities facing governments as they move to implement the SDGs, both at the national and global levels. (Paris, 234 pp.)
* Why collaboration will be key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
* Interest Group in Agricultural Data (IGAD) RDA P12 Pre-meeting "DATA COLLECTION IN AFRICA: STATE OF THE ART, CHALLENGES & SOLUTIONS", 5-6 November, 2018, Africa, Botswana, Gaborone
* Data & Citizens in the African Open Research Data Space ; New & Emerging Technologies in Agriculture (SciDataCon, International Data Week, 5-6 November, 2018, Africa, Botswana, Gaborone
* Turning FAIR Data into Reality - EC Expert Group Report and Action Plan: consultation and feedback
* FAIR data use-cases from a lot of experience in working with agricultural data: Agricultural Data Interest Group (IGAD) | from RDA11 meeting, 21 - 23 March, 2018 (Berlin, Germany)
* GODAN Free e-learning course on Open Data & Research Data Management in Agriculture and Nutrition (see also: background & related resources)
* GODAN Report “Open Access & Open Data at PUSH Universities” (June, 2018)
* Building a Culture of Data Citation ... with Persistent Identifiers
* FAO launched (June 2018) new program to increase productivity in Africa
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