7 March : Join GODAN Action – Trainers’ Network WEBINAR
DATE : March 07, 2018
TIME: 4:00 PM CET.
The GODAN Action Trainers’ Network is a network of people actively involved in providing training to support the development of the capacity and diversity of open data users and intermediaries, leading to increased understanding and the more effective use of open data in tackling key agriculture and nutrition challenges.
The network supports replication of the GODAN Action curriculum, shares experiences and tips for the delivery of open data for agriculture and nutrition capacity building and identify further opportunities for training.
This webinar is an opportunity for trainers to engage and discuss what open data activities they are currently undertaking in their communities or organisations. What training gaps and opportunities exist and how can you collaborate with GODAN Action partners
In preparation for the webinar, think of your local context and which stakeholders require training. Which organisations are potential partners? What sort of support would be required?
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Not yet a member of the GODAN Action Trainers’ Network? Join this fast growing community here