The Land Portal Foundation Launches the Largest Global Database of Land and Property Rights Projects
One of the biggest challenges we face as a land community is the way in which we share information about our respective work and projects. We currently lack one key virtual and accessible online space to document land related projects worldwide, so that we may get an overview of what is happening and build on, instead of duplicate initiatives. The goal is complementarity and collaboration, instead of competition. It is with this in mind that the Land Portal Foundation is launching an all new database of land and property rights projects. The Land Portal team has been hard at work on this new endeavor for many months, which has come directly from the feedback of our users, who felt we could do better at giving a comprehensive overview of: what our colleagues are doing, where they are working, whom they are working with and where they could possibly use support.
We’ve responded to this demand by creating and curating the biggest land project database to date. Our aim is to help anybody from practitioners, researchers and donors alike to easily search for types of projects, to track funding and who is funding what and to use this information to seek out fruitful collaboration. Information includes details such as the duration of the project, the project value as well as the status of the project. The database also includes historical data, in order to provide accurate timelines. Our aim for this new section of the Land Portal is not to be regarded as a comprehensive content type that will profile all projects that exist about land rights worldwide, a seemingly impossible task, but to merely be a democratic virtual space where information can be both shared and received.
“The goal of our daily work at the Land Portal is to make information about land more democratic. This new content type allows us all to learn more about various land related projects around the world, from a policy related project in Tanzania, to a project working on tenure and global climate change. What is more is that anyone with a Land Portal account can share information on their own land related project, or that of their organization. No project is too big or small, too old or new to be shared on this new section.” says Laura Meggiolaro, Land Portal Team Leader.
More specifically, we have imported over 900 projects from the Global Map of Donors and USAID Land Tenure Projects. All information has been enriched with metadata, according to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) Standard. This leads these projects to comply with appropriate classification systems and ultimately, to be more discoverable on the web and gain more visibility.
Browse the largest global database of land and property rights projects to track project funding, learn from others, find synergies or share valuable outcomes from your own projects by clicking here.
The Land Portal aims to help data and information providers to create, curate and disseminate land governance data and information to become part of a more inclusive, friendly and accessible information landscape. Our mission is to build an information ecosystem for land governance that enables and supports better informed decision and policy making at national and international levels.