AGRIS 2.1.2 is now online
In the version 2.1.2, the AGRIS search engine has been improved as follows:
- The bug on search-string containing only a double quote and Solr answering with an exception has ben solved. Now when the application parses the querystring, it checks if there is only a double quote, removing it;
- The advanced search has been enhanced with the possibility to build a phrase query with double quotes;
- Now the advanced search also contains a stopwords filter that remove common words (like AND, OR, THE, ...) if the user is not building a phrase query;
- The search results page includes buttons to browse the start and the end page of the results list;
- End Note has been added as a new export format; and
- Now it is possible to display all types of document in a single record.
Coming soon the export selected records and the DC export format.