Enrolment Open: AuthorAID Online Course in Research Writing (October 2016)

AuthorAID pleased to announce our upcoming online course in research writing, which will begin on 18 October 2016.

Main topics covered in the course: literature review, publication ethics, targeting the right journals, writing and publishing a research paper.

Who the course is for: Early career researchers in developing countries

Course duration: 6 weeks

Course dates: 18 October to 28 November 2016

Course facilitator(s): Ravi Murugesan (INASP Associate and AuthorAID trainer) and guest facilitators from the AuthorAID network

Course administrator: Andy Nobes (Programme Officer, Research Development and Support, INASP)

How to join: Download the course announcement and follow the instructions. Enrolment is free and is done online

Deadline to enroll: 16 October 2016

You should plan to spend about 4 to 5 hours per week on the course to complete the lessons and activities. You can study in your own time. There will be no live online sessions or face-to-face meetings. There will however be some deadlines in the course. You should have regular access to the Internet during the period of the course, but a high-bandwidth connection is not necessary. The course lessons and activities are largely text-based.

If you have taken an AuthorAID online course in research writing anytime after June 2015, you may not find any new material in the upcoming course. You are however welcome to join the course, especially if you did not complete the previous course you took or simply want to go through the course experience again.

Please note that although this is an open course, if a very high number of people join the course we may have to limit enrolment due to server capacity. We suggest that you enrol in the course as soon as possible if you are interested.

To read a report of our previous course, please see this post.


Original announcement:
