New resources in VEST Vocabularies Registry

The VEST Vocabularies Registry received the following new resources:

The Environmental Dictionary (EnDic) is maintained by the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE). The dictionary has about 90,000 search words in different languages and provides definitions for 2,000 terms in English, Estonian and Finnish

The Agriculture and Forestry Ontology (AFO) is based in the Agriforest thesaurus and maintained by the Viikki campus library, of the University of Helsinki Library. It contains 6000 concepts in four languages (English, Finnish, Swedish and Latin) . 

JITA is a classification schema of Library and Information Science (LIS). It is used by E-LIS, an international open repository for scientific papers in Library and Information Science, for indexing and searching. Currently JITA is available in English and has been translated into 14 languages (tr, el, nl, cs, fr, it, ro, ca, pt, pl, es, ar, sv, ru). JITA is also accessible as Linked Open Data, containing 3500 triples.

Suggest a new vocabulary

If you want to suggest a new vocabulary, we invite you to send a mail to [email protected] or contact us and fill the form AIMS: VEST Registry providing the following information: type of suggestion, contact person and organization