Webinar: What is RDA and why to attend the 17th plenary meeting
The Research Data Alliance is hosting a webinar to learn more about what RDA is and the benefits of attending the RDA’s 17th Plenary meeting. The webinar will take place on 26 October at 11:00 UTC.
Webinar speakers include Hilary Hanahoe, RDA Secretary General, Kevin Ashley (DCC), Juan-Bicarregui (STFC), Christopher Brown (Jisc) and Sarah Jones (GÉANT). The following topics will be covered:
RDA and the world of open science
An overview of the local hosts DCC, UKRI, and Jisc, and their coming together to organise RDA's 17th Plenary
Building the global infrastructure and RDA’s contribution
Community building and best practice
Calls for sessions and co-located events, and RDA Plenaries - how does it work?
Hybrid and Virtual Plenaries
Register for the webinar at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2430363111146029836
RDA's 17th Plenary Meeting will take place on 20-22 April 2021. The Plenary is currently scheduled as a hybrid event, with a physical component at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre and enhanced virtual participation. More information about the event can be found here.