International Symposium: Open Science in the South

The International Symposium: Open Science in the South, Dakar 23-25 octobre 2019, organized by the French Research Institute for Development (IRD), Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (UCAD) and CIRAD accept registration until the 30th of September.
Open science is a real lever for facilitating collaborations, conducting quality research, widely disseminating research results, and increasing the visibility of stakeholders.
These new forms of sharing are at the heart of the activities of research institutions such as IRD, CIRAD and UCAD, pioneers for open access to scientific publications. Today, they foster an open data policy on their research.
Covering the major issues of open science, and particularly in the French-speaking countries of the South, this conference will present international, national, regional or local encouraging policies as well as lessons learned to promote or support new dynamics in favor of the unhindered dissemination of publications and research data.