Which tool meets your needs?

The FAO AIMS team has created a table in which the functionalities and customization features of AgriOcean DSpace, AgriDrupal and AGRIMetaMaker are displayed next to each other. The purpose is not to compare the three customized open source document management tools, but to provide data providers with information on what the customizations are intended for in order the facilitate the decision-process as to which tool to use.

Visit the Publishing interoperable and re-usable metadata about agricultural research informationtable.

Assuring quality in the metadata creation

The FAO AIMS team encourages the adoption of acceptable standards in publishing interoperable and re-usable metadata by data providers. Therefore it has over the last years customized open source document management tools, like Drupal and Dspace, with vocabularies and metadata formats appropriate to the requirements of the agricultural information management context.