Recommendations to produce LOD enabled bibliographical data

I send you attached the graphics developed during Marcia Zeng's visit last week. They are 17 graphics that include elements related to the following groups:

 1.- Title information

2.- Responsible body

3.- Physical characteristics

4.- Location (hardcopy holding or file path)

5.- Subject

6.- Description of content

7.- Intellectual property

8.- Usage

9.- Relation between documents

10.- Relations between agents

11.- Meta-metadata

    As announced last Friday, after preparing these charts we are now in a consolidation phase and preparation of the draft report for VOA3R. This report shoudl include the following sections:

    1.)    Introduction

    2.)    Background

    3.)    Methodology

    • Specific set of data providers (from VOA3R)
    • Questionnaire and data dictionaries
    • Identification of chunks and properties
    • Vocabularies selected and used

    4.)    Framework for using and producing bibliographic linked open data in VOA3R

    • Content Model (relations)
    • Name authority
    • Controlled vocabulary
    • Syntax encoding rules

    5.)    Recommendations

    • Title information
    • Responsible body
    • Physical characteristics
    • Location (hardcopy holding or file path)
    • Subject
    • Description of content
    • Intellectual property
    • Usage
    • Relation between documents
    • Relation between agents
    • Meta-metadata

    6.)    References

    • Vocabularies
    • How to create authority control lists
    • How to create controlled vocabularies
    • How to publish linked data
    • Where to find linked data sets

    Deadline: 15th February 2011

    As soon as the report is drafted, we'd like to share with you and if possible to get your comments and feedback.


    1-TitleInformation.pdf56.63 КБ 2-ResponsibleBodyContributor.pdf7.17 КБ 2-ResponsibleBodyCreatoR.pdf9.08 КБ 2-ResponsibleBodyPublisherIssuer.pdf8.41 КБ 3-PhysicalCharacteristicsDate.pdf7.63 КБ 3-PhysicalCharacteristicsEditionVersion.pdf8.93 КБ 3-PhysicalCharacteristicsFormatMedium.pdf7.04 КБ 3-PhysicalCharacteristicsIdentifier.pdf7.98 КБ 3-PhysicalCharacteristicsLanguage.pdf6.04 КБ 4-Location.pdf5.64 КБ 5-Subject.pdf8.45 КБ 6-DescriptionContentTypeDescriptionAbstractSummary.pdf7.67 КБ 7-IntellectualPropertyRightsTermsUseAccessCondition.pdf6.94 КБ 8.-UsageAudienceLiteraryLevelEducationLevel.pdf44.08 КБ 9-RelationBetweenDocuments.pdf52.39 КБ 10-RelationBetweenAgents.pdf6.45 КБ 6-DescriptionContentTypeGenre.pdf7.11 КБ