Register to AuthorAID & Benefit from free Support for Publishing and Communicating Your scientific works

Effective research is more than simply questions and answers. Research needs to be shared and this includes everything - from making effective presentations, strong writing, up to summarizing skills and knowing the audience you wish to reach.

The AuthorAID  - a free pioneering global network of an international development charity in the UK INASP - seeks to help new researchers build on these skills. 

Up to date (November 2017), AuthorAID assists over 17,000 researchers in low and middle income countries to publish and communicate their scientific works. 

The AuthorAID network offers:

  • Personal mentoring by highly published researchers and professional editors
  • A discussion group for discussion and questions where researchers can benefit from advice and insights from members across the globe
  • Access to a range of documents and resources on best practice in writing and publication
  • A chance to network or collaborate with other researchers
  • Grants for researchers to travel to a conference, or to organise a local workshop
  • Online training workshops on scientific writing

Creating a successful MOOC for academics in low-resource settings
(INASP, 16 November, 2017)

AuthorAID works directly with universities and institutions to build local capacity

  • AuthorAID works to embed research writing skills in universities and institutions around the world. AuthorAID currently works with 10 institutions and faculties in Ghana, Tanzania, Vietnam and Sri Lanka
  • AuthorAID supports women researchers to address the issues preventing them from progressing to senior roles in their institutions. Learn more about AuthorAID's gender toolkit.

Get involved

REGISTER NOW ! Whether you're an early career researcher in a developing country who could benefit from support and mentoring, an established academic with a strong track record who wants to give something back to the research community, or are just keen to get involved in some stimulating discussions, why not join now?

Spread the word 

Share the AuthorAID Leaflet or AuthorAID' recent articles in the British Ecological Society Bulletin or The Biochemist.

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