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  • 4 July 2017: New Authentication System for AGORA login "goes-live" online !

    Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA) team is pleased to inform you that the Research4Life programmes - including AGORA  - will receive a new authentication system on 4 July 2017! The link to access AGORA login will change with the new system.   _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________As you may already know, to access ...
  • Free FAO e-learning course on Communication for Rural Development

    Communication for Development (ComDev) is about seeking change at different levels including listening, building trust, sharing knowledge and skills, building policies, debating, and learning for sustained and meaningful change. The free FAO e-learning course  entitled "Communication for Rural Development" provides an overview of the ComDev approach that aims to address ...
  • Why do we need Permanent Unique Identifiers?

    (Source: The case for Digital Objects Identifiers (DOIs) in support of research activities, SlideShare)A persistent identifier (or permanent Identifier or handle) is one that never changes, so that your bookmarks and links don't break when a website gets updated. DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a permanent identifier used to ...
  • EU Project MOVING : TraininG towards a society of data-saVvy inforMation prOfessionals

    MOVING (TraininG towards a society of data-saVvy inforMation prOfessionals to enable open leadership INnovation) is a Research and Innovation Action (2016 - 2019) that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. MOVING's goal is to build a TRAINING PLATFORM that will enable users from all societal ...