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  • A list of repositories for research data

    DataCite is a consortium of national-scale libraries and research organizations committed to increasing access to research data on the internet. Recently DataCite, BioMed Central and the Digtal Curation Centre has announced an international list of repositories for research data: http://datacite.org/repolist. Some of the datasets that can be ...
  • Propose your service in the CIARD Virtual Fair!

    The CIARD Virtual Fair is a facility where people and organizations can share and learn about ways to make their information and knowledge open and accessible.  Organizations which provide products and services that enable information to be accessible present themselves to potential users who can see how these relate to ...
  • DOI Display Guidelines

    Extracted from the CrossRef Quaterly (June Issue) The CrossRef Board of Directors has approved a change to the CrossRef DOI display guidelines. Effective immediately, CrossRef Member Publishers and Affiliates are encouraged to use the URL form http://dx.doi.org/doi wherever a CrossRef DOI appears online, whether on a ...
  • 4 Stars for Metadata

    One of the outcomes of the LOD-LAM Summit was a draft document proposing a new way to assess the openness/usefulness of linked data for the LAM community. This is a work in progress, but is already provoking interesting debate on options as the authors try to create a shared ...
  • First meeting of the Collaborative Thesaurus Working Group

    It was a very interesting and useful experience to attend the Thesaurus Working Group meeting. The meeting started with presentations of the following different thesauri from the EU,  describing the basic functionalities including the mapping techniques: The Eurovoc team presented their mapping tool.  The commercial mapping tool has very nice ...