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  • CERN catalog data published as open data

    Good news. The CERN library has published its data under a public domain = license and works on migrating it into linked data. Hopefully lots of = libraries (and at best OCLC with its forthcoming metadata policy) will = follow this example. =20 Adrian =20 =20 The CERN Library publishes its book catalog as Open Data =20   ...
  • "Content model" for the implementation of the work plan

    Attached is a first proposal for a "content model" for the implementation / documentation of the workplan in a sharing environment like the AIMS platform. This model is based on the requirements identified in the PPT shared by Johannes. By content model here we mean the definition of all the types ...
  • iGreen Workshop

    The goal of the iGreen Project is to design and implement location-based services and knowledge networks for linking distributed and heterogeneous information sources, public or private. iGreen provides users with standardized, industry-wide connectivity with intelligent technologies and allows the usage of data-dependent and collaboratively organized services. FAO representative, Ahsan Morshed ...