EarthArXiv : a Preprint service for the Earth Sciences

In 2017, the Center for Open Science (COS) and EarthArXiv launched a new preprint service, called EarthArXiv which provides free, open access, open source archives for the earth sciences. In particular :
EarthArXiv is …
… comprised of 100+ international volunteers who share an interest in open, reproducible science. The name EarthArXiv is intentionally vague and represents multi and trans-disciplinary scope. EarthArXiv aims to provide a preprint home for all Earth science domains not currently publishing preprints elsewhere. This includes all sub-domains of Earth science as well as computational, data, and instrumentation research relevant to the Earth sciences. |
*** “EarthArXiv represents the kind of community-led effort that COS, and our efforts with OSF Preprints specifically, is built to serve. Several different groups, and hundreds of researchers from all stages of career, came together to support this effort. This group, and others that join it, will lead the way for community-driven scholarly communication and standards of practice.”
Find out more form Interview with the founders of EarthArXiv.
Contact for EarthArXiv Media: Tom Narock and Chris Jackson, co-founders of EarthArXiv :
Web: Preprint submissions and general contact Twitter: @EarthArXiv, @OSFramework |
More about the community preprints platform from COS ...
EarthArXiv is the fifteenth community preprint service built on COS’s flagship platform, the Open Science Framework, which helps researchers design and manage their project workflow, data storage, DOIs, and collaboration. COS has leveraged EarthArXiv platform to help research communities in many disciplines discover new research as it happens and to receive quick feedback on their own research prior to publication.
The community preprints platform from COS provides organizations that want to launch their own preprints service an easy, robust, and stable solution. The platform can be configured to match their brand, editorial focus, licensing requirements, and taxonomy. Once configured, a new service can be up and indexing new preprints in a matter of days. COS is currently supporting branded services in psychology, sociology, engineering, agriculture, social sciences, imaging, paleontology, sports research, contemplative research, law, library and information science, nutrition and an Indonesian preprint service.
Over 2 million preprints have been already indexed from a variety of sources and can be accessed by selecting a subject of interest, entering specific search terms, or browsing the preprints most recently added to the service. Preprint contributors are also encouraged to include links to their research, if available. If the preprint is associated with an existing OSF project, that project can also be easily accessed and explored. OSF Preprints uses SHARE to aggregate search results from a variety of other preprint providers like arXiv, bioRXiv, PeerJ, CogPrints and others into its archive.
About Center for Open Science The Center for Open Science (COS) is a non-profit technology startup founded in 2013 with a mission to increase openness, integrity, and reproducibility of scientific research. COS pursues this mission by building communities around open science practices, supporting metascience research, and developing and maintaining free, open source software tools. The Open Science Framework (OSF), COS’s flagship product, is a web application that connects and supports the research workflow, enabling scientists to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their research. Researchers use the OSF to collaborate, document, archive, share, and register research projects, materials, and data. Learn more at and |
- In 2017, the preprint AgriXiv site was launched with support from Open Science Framework (OSF), as part of fulfilling its objective of development of community e-infrastructure, capacity building and framework for policies related to Open Access, Open Data and Open Education.
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