

  • Call for a Post-Doc associate for the project Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS)

    Post-doctoral Research Associate position is available at ICRA, in collaboration with CIRAD, UMR Innovation.The candidate will join CDAIS (Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems*; 2015-2019) project whose goal is to experiment new approaches for the identification and support of capacity development of agricultural innovation systems (AIS) stakeholders in developing ...
  • Germany establishes a new GODAN position at KTBL. Apply now !

    With funding from the German ministry of Agriculture a new position to support the GODAN (Global Open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition) Secretariat has been created. Are you interested in legal, ethical and societal aspects of information technology and its impact on society and the future of humanity? Do you ...
  • 28 February 2018 : Join free GFAR Webinar on KEY DATA for FARMERS !

    WHEN : Wednesday 28 February, 4pm CETDURATION : 1 hour, with 15 minutes for questionsREGISTER ME FOR THE WEBINAR :  Registered participants will receive the webinar link and instructions a few days before the webinar.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________OVERVIEW Data becomes significant if it can be linked to information, knowledge and wisdom. Once processed it can be used to ...
  • IFPRI is looking for a DATA CONSULTANT. You are invited to apply !

    IFPRI is looking for a DATA CONSULTANT who will help  IFPRI to revise its data policy and practice, working together with IFPRI data governance team (see a TOR attached).IFPRI has started sharing some of the data the Institute has produced since the 1990s. The institute has a data repository ...
  • FAIR Metrics : Framework to understand how increasing the FAIRness is ...

    In the last years, a lot has been going on in the space of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data and other online resources, to make them comply with the 15 Principles of FAIR Data (as they were originally stated in the “The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management ...