

  • Take part in the First Global Survey on the Quality of MOOCs

    The Global Survey on the Quality of MOOCs aims at improving the Quality of MOOCs. It is facilitated by the European Alliance MOOQ. The survey will run until the end of March 2017. Your participation is very important!___________________________________________________________________________________________________It is a unique first Global Survey on the Quality of Open Education ...
  • UNESCO Thesaurus published with Semantic Web standards and Open-Source software

    This essay highlights the success story of the deployment of SKOSMOS, SKOS Play, Fuseki, and VocBench editing tool to manage and publish the UNESCO Thesaurus. The system leverages Semantic Web standards by relying on SKOS as the data exchange format, SPARQL as the online thesaurus query language, and dereferancable URI ...
  • International Data Week 2018 : Call for Expressions Of Interest to host this event

    CODATA, RDA, and WDS plan to hold a Second International Data Week (IDW2) event in September or October 2018 and are requesting expressions of interest to host this 2nd edition.  The organisers are interested in reaching out to new communities encouraging interest from the global South, and in particular Africa. The ...
  • From MARC silos to Linked Data silos : Free DCMI / ASIS&T Joint Webinar

     This webinar is an extended, in-depth version of the SWIB16 conference presentation ”From MARC silos to Linked Data silos?”Date: February 28, 2017Time: 10:00am – 11:15am EST (World Clock: Participant Experience Level: Basic familiarity of bibliographic metadata and Linked Data assumedFree for: DCMI / ASIST&T members After ...
  • 2017 first edition Ranking Web of Repositories

    The Ranking Web of Repositories has been published since 2008.  The criteria for inclusion repositories are very simple: The repositories should have their own web domain or subdomain and include at least peer-reviewed papers to be considered. Services that contain only archives, databanks or learning objects are not ranked. Individual journals ...