

  • E-LIS logo design competition now open!

    The Executive Board of E-LIS, the electronic archive for librarianship and information science, is seeking for interesting and pleasant proposals for revamping its logo. The Executive Board proceeds to this revamping in a wide frame of activities that aim to improve the processes and the image of the initiative. The ...
  • Complete the IFPRI survey on "Potential of Agricultural Technologies"

    IFPRI is currently conducting a project entitled "How to achieve food security in a world of growing scarcity: role of technology development strategies”. As part of this project, IFPRI has put together a survey to collect expert information about the potential of agricultural technologies (in the broader sense of the ...
  • Association of Austrian Librarians supports E-LIS

    E-LIS is short for Eprints in Library and Information Science. It is an international open archive for scientific papers in library and information science. Established in 2003, E-LIS is an international open archive for library and information science. Being the first international e-server in this area, E-LIS is organised, managed and ...
  • Rice Knowledge Management Portal is Launched

    The Rice Knowledge Management Portal (RKMP), a flaship initiative under National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP), has been envisaged to enable rice workers across the country to create, manage and share scientific, technology-related and market-related information for the benefit of the rice as a sector. This portal is being developed by ...