

  • AgriDrupal presentation

    A first tentative Power Point presentation about AgriDrupal. It was used during an internal briefing in FAO. It will be revised after further discussion with the members of the community.
  • FRBR Implementation and User Research

    We have been invited to participate in the panel "FRBR Implementation and User Research" organized by Marcia Zeng, Yin Zhang and Athena Salaba at ASI&ST 2010. The presentation will be focused on FRBR/FAO Model Implementation and Benefits with regard to the FAO Open Archive and the Authority Control System ...
  • AIMS Resources

    Statistics Documentation New menu taxonomy New AIMS layout (mock-up) Responsabilities and TimePlan (in progress) Previous documentation \\kcew118\pwb\222P7\222p7.006\222P7.006.404-clearinghouse\New-AIMS-website\documentation
  • Tests on best ways to integrate Agrovoc concepts into Drupal for browsing Agrovoc

    Final objective of the tests: providing an intelligent search / browse interface for Agrovoc in Drupal based on the Agrovoc RDF (SKOS) version. A basic idea of the search / browse functionalities can be given by the "Search", "Alphabetical browse" and "Hierarchy" functions in AIMS: ...
  • The weekly spotlight

    Continuing with the revision of the content and dissemination of info in AIMS, a new element has been introduced in the homepage: the Weekly spotlight. The aim is to promote any particular aspect that may be of interest to the AIMS community and in turn provide ...