Accelerating Data Driven Agriculture Development in Cambodia and Nepal

SOURCE: FHI360: The Science of Improving Lives 

Look around. All the way around. From past to present. From here to the other side of the globe. The key aspects of our lives, our world, are inextricably linked.

FHI 360 is a nonprofit human development organization dedicated to improving lives in lasting ways by advancing integrated, locally driven solutions, - FHI360

mSTAR is seeking the services of a firm to support the Digital Development for Feed the Future (FtF) team at USAID to:

  • help enhance electronic data collection conducted by FtF researchers in Cambodia and Nepal;
  • improve the data structure, storage, and governance of FtF researchers to facilitate analysis across the USAID Cambodia and Nepal FtF portfolio;
  • ensure that USAID/Cambodia, USAID/Nepal, FtF researchers, and FtF implementing partners are leveraging new access to digital data for relevant analysis at different scales and levels of strategic purview;
  • identify open collaborations for data sharing, analysis, research and learning across the two FtF priority countries.

Any queries about this, please email Hannah Skelly [email protected]