COAR Controlled Vocabularies: Improving consistency of repository metadata

The 10th “International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research” (MTSR 2016)  also co-located four workshops, one of them dedicated to successful controlled vocabulary, namely the Controlled Vocabulary for Resource Type Genres version 1.1


Controlled Vocabularies are one of the semantic glues that binds open access repositories and scholarly communication infrastructures together. They offer great benefit to the community, because they ensure interoperability between repositories and repository content, and facilitate greater discovery, tracking and re-use of research materials.

Faced with recurring issues in repository metadata the workshop discussed the need of an agreed set of controlled vocabularies in bibliographic metadata. Examples include vocabularies on resource types, access rights, version and date types. They are being developed through the use of semantic products and standards and are the work of the COAR Interest Group on "Controlled Vocabularies for Repository Assets", established in 2014.

The presentation and handout about Workshop: 'COAR Controlled Vocabularies: Improving consistency of repository metadata' you can find on ZENODO.

If you have comments or would like to learn more about the group don't hesitate to contact: [email protected]

Cite the COAR resource type vocabulary as follows: 

COAR Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Board. (2016). Controlled Vocabulary for Resource Type Genres version 1.1. Retrieved from: