Exposing Data From an Open Access Repository for Economics As Linked Data

DLib recently published an interesting usecase from the German National Library of Economics, where the article described an approach to publishing metadata on the Semantic Web from an Open Access repository (EconStor Repository) to foster interoperability with distributed data. Two movements led to the application of Semantic Web principles to repository content: (1) the development of Open Access repositories and software systems implementing them, and (2) the Semantic Web movement. The EconStor Open Access repository serves more than 70,000 full text documents along with their bibliographic metadata.The article provides both conceptual and practical insight into the process of converting a legacy relational dataset to machine understandable semantic statements, a.k.a. 'triplification', and gives an overview of current software frameworks that can fulfill this goal. One important outcome of this effort and proof-of-concept is that a repository's content can be straightforwardly published as Linked Open Data. Another result is the ability to link to valuable external datasets, enabling a repository's data to become more contextualized and 'meaningful'.

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