INASP’s Journals Online project : better accessibility and visibility of research in developing countries!

The Journals Online project aims to improve the accessibility and visibility of developing country research. By providing a cost-effective, secure, and highly  visible platform for online journals, along with resource guides and links to suitable technologies and hosting organizations, the Journals Online enables easy discoverability of the wide range of journals and research being produced.

INASP is an international development charity working with a global network of partners to improve access, production and use of research information and knowledge, so that countries (20 partner and over 80 network countries) are equipped to solve their development challenges. INASP was established by the International Council for Science (ICSU) in 1992, and was registered as a UK (Oxford) charity in 2004.

INASP works with over 50 international publishers to enable affordable and sustainable access to online resources to developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

To support journal editors in order to improve the quality of their journals, the INASP Resource Pack for Editors is available to download. It is a comprehensive guide to international journal publishing standards recommended to all editors when they review their journals. 

Moreover, with INASP you can find the resources and information necessary to improve your skills, run workshops and deliver training on an individual and institutional level. The INASP’s AuthorAID project aims to increase the visibility and influence of research in the developing world by providing networking, resources, training and mentoring.  INASP is engaged in publishing a wide variety of resources (books, case studies, newsletters, research reports and programme reviews), most of which are available to download free of charge under a creative commons. 

The Journals Online project (JOLs) project  is the result of the partnership of INASP, the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) and CrossRef. PKP developed the Open Journals System (OJS) - an online peer-review system for groups of journals to publish on community websites. CrossRef maintain a multi-publisher linking network which vastly improves both visibility and international accessibility of journal articles. For more information, visit the Journals Online methodology.

The JOLs provides a service for peer reviewed and quality controlled journals published in a country or Region (i.e. Bangladesh Journals Online or Latin America Journals Online) covering the full range of academic disciplines. The JOLs’ service includes a platform, hosting options, advice, resource guides.

All the material is free to view, search, browse, download (e.g. Nepal 2016 stat: NepJOL has received over 2 million visitors from all countries; 9.4 million downloads!), however copyright of all content is retained by the journals or authors. Each journal will need to give permission for any use or re-use of the content that falls outside Fair Use.

There are currently 321 journals across the JOLs (AJOL, BanglaJOL, LAMJOL, MongoliaJOL, NepJOL, SLJOL), with over 32,000 articles of which 94% are open access full text.

Last but not least. JOLs is not a publisher! If you would like to submit an article to the journals, do so to the journal directly. If you are interested in  adding value to your article through JOLs platform, contact the chosen JOL directly. You can also recommend new journals for inclusion.

Source: The Journals Online project (INASP)

See also:
INASP: what we do
Nepal Journals Online (NepJOL) A Brief Introduction (SlidePlayer)
Sharing Scientific Data, with a Focus on Developing Countries
Strengthening Research and Knowledge Systems

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