PubMed Central (PMC) Reaches 4 Million Articles, Updates Made to Improve Content Navigation

As of August 2016, PubMed Central is home to four million articles and has rolled new features to ensure that this content is easily navigable.

PubMed Central® (PMC) is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM).

PubMed Content is provided by 1916 full participating journals (full deposit of each issue or volume), 312 NIH Portfolio (journals with a commitment to deposit all HIH-funded articles) and 3871 Selective Deposit journals – selected set of articles from hybrid publishing model. Browse PMC Journals lists here

Updates Made to Improve Content Navigation

In order to make this wealth of full-text content easier to navigate, PMC has rolled out a few updates.

Search Result

Filters On all search results pages, you will now see filters (similar to PubMed filters) on the left-hand side that allow you to filter your results by article attributes, publication date, research funder, and search fields.

These filters replace the Limits page and allow you to more readily:

  • find open access articles, PMC has more than 1.35 million open access articles that can be reused according to their license statements
  • explore PMC rich historical content from the NLM back issue digitization project; and
  • browse research supported by PMC-participating funding organizations, click “Customize” to view additional funder options.

You can now also quickly add articles that are under a 12-month or less embargo in PMC to your search results by selecting the “Include embargoed articles” filter option under Text Availability. See the PMC User Guide for more information on these filters.

Reference List

Using related article data available in PMC, articles that cite papers that have been either retracted or named in a Findings of Research Misconduct issued by the HHS Office of Research Integrity and not yet retracted will now include a red hyperlink to the relevant notice directly from the article’s reference list. This update will help users more easily identify post-publication updates to existing research.

More information

NLM Technical Bulletin
