Creating Impact with Open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition

This International Worshop hosted by the Government of the Nertherlands 19/20 January 2015. 

The Scope

The terms Open Data and Big Data refer to the data revolution: rapid waves of digitization and digital connectedness causing a transformation from information scarcity to data abundance. Governmental organisations, private companies, NGOs and citizens are increasingly aware that the global trend towards Open Data offers great opportunities for informed and transparent decision making and for developing a data driven economy. These societal stakeholders also recognize that targeted action is needed to harness the power of open data for the benefit of society at large and to cope with possible negative impacts. International collaboration, development of good practices and sharing lessons learned from impact cases can help to reach the desired impacts faster and with broader community involvement. These developments are highly relevant for the agricultural sector, food supply chains and nutrition. The GODAN initiative on Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition ( was launched in October 2013 to support global efforts for making relevant data available, accessible, and usable for unrestricted use worldwide. GODAN focuses on building high-level institutional support for open data policies from public and private partners. The International Workshop “Creating Impact with Open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition” (Wageningen, 19/20 January 2015) explores the different types of impact of open data and the pathways towards these impacts. The workshop is hosted by the Government of the Netherlands and organised by the Open Data Institute in the UK in collaboration with Alterra, a part of Wageningen University and Research Centre.