Workshop on Agricultural Education, Methods, Practices and Technologies (AgEdWS12)
The "Workshop on Agricultural Education, Methods, Practices and Technologies" (AgEdWS12) took place at Pollenzo, Bra, Italy, on October 25, 2012, right after Green Ideas 2012. It was supported by a number of EU-funded projects, including Organic.Lingua and agINFRA, and was attended by course designers, content providers, repository managers and software developers.
There were presentations covering aspects ranging from course design to metadata management tools and learning portals. All presentations are now available in the wiki page of the Workshop.
The sessions included presentations by invited speakers, like Karen Vignare from the Michigan State University/MSU Global on the course design process as well as on the MetroAg MOOC concept and Mauro Dragoni from Fondazione Bruno Kessler on taxonomies and ontologies used in the agricultural education context. The Agro-Know Technologies team was also represented there, by Nikos Manouselis, Charalampos Thanopoulos, Anastasios Koutoumanos and Vassilis Protonotarios with presentations on agricultural educational collections and repositories, the role of competencies in the agricultural education courses, the agriMoodle hub and the networks of agricultural content providers respectively. In addition, there was a presentation about the way educational resources are findable through institutional websites, by Effie Tsiflidou from the Greek Research & Technology Network.
The Workshop also included a number of hands-on sessions on related tools:
- the Agricultural Learning Repository tool (AgLR) for managing metadata and collections of agricultural educational resources,
- agriMoodle for organizing agricultural-related courses,
- the Organic.Lingua MoKi tool (Modelling WiKi) for managing ontologies and collaborative work related to their revisions,
- the VOA3R social research platform for researchers, students and practitioners in the field of agriculture, aquaculture, viticulture and related communities, and
- the Organic.Edunet Web portal, as a source of quality educational resources on organic agriculture, agroecology and related green topics.
You may find photos from the AgEdWS12 Workshop here.