Species (ASFA) and species (AGROVOC)

This ontology contains the alignment between ASFA and AGROVOC, done according a criterion of "exact match". 

The alignment was done using the methods: fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.impl.method.StringDistAlignment through the NeOn Alignment API. All correspondences in this alignment have 1.0 confidence measure.

The ASFA version assumed is asfad.owl, the reengineering Thesaurus2ABox made by Aldo Gangemi for NeOn.

The Agrovoc version used is an old Agrovoc Thesaurus2TBox from 2004, made by Aldo Gangemi. The reason is that the alignment method used needs linguistically meaningful class names as in ASFA, while in the current version of Agrovoc the names are explicit only in the label.

Note! The ontologies published here are draft versions  and should not be used as official expressions of any of the classifications sytems modeled.