Tattler code released to the Drupal Community, Available for Public Download

We wanted to send you a quick update on Tattler.

Phase2 Technology late yesterday contributed the Tattler project code to the Drupal community on Drupal.org as a first step towards developing a useful distribution for monitoring topics online. Phase2 will continue to make improvements and add features in coming months. It is free and available for download here: http://tattlerapp.com/download

We hope that once you've had a chance to take a look, you will give us plenty of feedback or even help further the development.  This is merely Version 1.0, and we are excited about the future possibilities. For instance, we think greater trending, charts and visualization is in store. Likely future releases will also incorporate sentiment analysis we could not include in this first release.

This is wonderful news for Drupal developers, but we realize it will not serve everyone's needs.

Tattler continues Phase2's dedication to providing smart technology solutions for news, public policy and non-profit organizations. If you are in one of these sectors, we will be sending you information about our managed professional versions in coming weeks. In the meantime, we are still trying to get through our list of requests for betas and demos - the overwhelming response was heartening.

You might find this blog post by Phase2's CEO, Jeff Walpole of interest: http://www.agileapproach.com/blog-entry/today-we-release-tattler-what-i…

Please let us know if you have any questions, concerns or comments.


The Tattler Team