RDA/IGAD Webinar: Supporting Open Data in agriculture with F1000Research
The fourth webinar part of the Research Data Alliance Interest Group for Agricultural Data (IGAD)’s new Coffee Break initiative took place on 8 September. The webinar, titled 'Supporting Open Data in agriculture with F1000Research' featured Guillaume Wright from F1000Research.
F1000Research is an open research publishing platform with a mission to allow authors to publish fast, openly and without restrictions, while incorporating unique post-publication transparent peer reviews and open data as core principles for publication.
During this webinar, Guillaume introduced the innovative publishing model behind F1000Research and provided guidance and resources for authors on meeting F1000Research’s criteria for ensuring open data; and how their publishing model aligns with the FAIR data principles. He also introduced the Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Gateway; a dedicated space on F1000Research supporting Rapid and transparent dissemination of research, shaping key challenges in all areas of agriculture, food, and nutrition.
More about the IGAD Coffee Break
The new IGAD Coffee Break webinar series features eight different webinars from eight different presenters running from 16 June to 27 October 2021. The innovative initiative is helping to create an ongoing dialogue and is encouraging the exchange of experiences on agricultural research and innovation within the IGAD community and beyond.