RDA/IGAD Webinar: Agricultural market dynamics based on data evidence
The second webinar as part of the Research Data Alliance Interest Group for Agricultural Data (IGAD)’s new Coffee Break initiative took place on 30 June with more than 25 participants. The webinar, titled Agricultural market dynamics based on data evidence, featured Luiza Petrosyan from the Universitat Politécnica de Valencia.
Throughout the webinar, Luiza Petrosyan presented her research on the evolution of agricultural products and their commercial supply through existing data. Participants were also introduced to a systematic protocol for downloading data from several sources that generates a sufficient mass of information and automatically establishes analysis parameters.
More about the IGAD Coffee Break
The new IGAD Coffee Break webinar series, which will feature eight different webinars from eight different presenters running from 16 June to 20 October 2021. The innovative initiative will help to create an ongoing dialogue and encourage the exchange of experiences on agricultural research and innovation within the IGAD community and beyond.