2017 first edition Ranking Web of Repositories
The Ranking Web of Repositories has been published since 2008. The criteria for inclusion repositories are very simple: The repositories should have their own web domain or subdomain and include at least peer-reviewed papers to be considered. Services that contain only archives, databanks or learning objects are not ranked. Individual journals are excluded too.
The Ranking Web of Repositories was launched in 2008 by the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group belonging to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), the largest public research body in Spain.
The current edition has been updated with data collected during January 2017. Next edition will be published at the end of July 2017.
The main aim of the Ranking Web of Repositories is not really to rank them, but to promote Open Access (OA) initiatives and global access to academic knowledge.
Following that objective, Ranking Web of Repositories promote good practices, especially those intended to increase the visibility and usage of the OA contents (full texts of the documents) in OA Institutional Repositories (IR) considered to be the treasure of the research community, not another bibliographic databasel.
Ranking Web of Repositories supports also the development of publicly open research information management systems CRIS, an important tool for the information management of the university outputs.
# 7 things you should know about…Institutional Repositories, CRIS Systems, and their Interoperability.
The Cybermetrics Lab uses quantitative methods with designed and applied indicators that allow to measure the scientific activity on the Web. The cybermetric/webometric indicators are useful to evaluate science and technology and they are the perfect complement to the results obtained with bibliometric methods in scientometric studies.
The Ranking Web of Repositories is also a powerful tool for penalizing bad practices, with especial emphasis in the awful naming proposals by software developers that ignore librarian traditions and in many ways are going against intellectual rights of depositing authors.
"If the web performance of an institution is below the expected position according to their academic excellence, institution authorities should reconsider their web policy, promoting substantial increases of the volume and quality of their electronic publications", - Objectives of the Ranking Web of World's Repositories. |
# Top Portals on Ranking Web of Repositories.
For any further information Contact the Cybermetrics Lab.