Agricultural Data Interest Group (IGAD) Meeting, Helsinki, 22 October: Registration open!

Photo by Unsplash, licensed under CC0 license
The next meeting of the Agricultural Data Interest Group (IGAD), focusing on IGAD/RDA Recommendations: Implementing Good Practices in Agriculture will take place in Helsinki on 22 October.
One of IGAD’s main roles is to serve as a platform that leads to the creation of domain-specific Working Groups. To date, successful Working Groups (WGs) have been formed under IGAD, these are: Wheat Data Interoperability, Rice Data Interoperability, AgriSemantics and Capacity Development for Agricultural Data WGs. The groups play a key role in delivering RDA recommendations and good practices with regard to Agricultural Data Interoperability.
This interesting one-day event will take place back to back with the RDA Plenary, an agenda of the event is available in the attachement section of this post.
For those of you who have an interest in joining us in Helsinki, please note that places are still available and that you can register by writing us.