The Global Open Data Index (GODI), Open Data Census and Survey : Advancing the State of Open Data Through Dialogue

Alongside the Web Foundation’s Open Data Barometer, the Global Open Data Index (GODI) of the Open Knowledge International (OKI), - is one of the biggest assessments of the state of open government data globally. 
The latest State Of Open Government Data in 2017 report of the OKI shows, that data is often not made available publicly at all. This is due to many issues around findability, quality, processability, and licensing. 

Similar observations are made by The Open Data Barometer in its latest report, pointing out a slow uptake of policy, as well as persistent data quality issues in countries that provide Open Data.

This means, that there is still a lot of work to be done in the context of data opening, sharing and measurement. 

The GODI & Open Data Census 

In order to learn more about how GODI is taken up by different user groups, the OKI is exploring GODI’s effects on Open Data policy and publication, and on advancing the State of Open Data, through open discussions. The aim is to understand more systematically how individual elements of the GODI interface (such as country rankingdataset results, discuss forum entries) help mobilising support for Open Data among different user groups. 

During 2018, the OKI will develop a new vision for the Open Data Index to either measure Open Data on a regional and city-level or by topical areas

The Open Data Census, - is a tool usually run by OKI's local groups and chapters to understand how their local governments are performing in data publication. The OKI has a record of about 40 different censuses assessing local and regional Open Data in many different countries. The census is the only tool to assess open data on a city level.

The Open Data Census is also fully customisable, allowing any organisation to assess various aspects of Open Data - from open data policies, through to publication of good quality data, or whether a local government engages with citizens to identify and publish the most relevant data.  

In case you are running an Open Data Census, The OKIl will continue giving you support in the measurement you are currently working on, whether it’s local, regional or you have any new idea of a Census you would like to try.

If you want to run your own Census, you can request it here, or send an email to [email protected].

The Open Data Survey : Measure what matters to You 

To engage more stakeholders into a stronger conversational process  - focused on (Open) Data, its use cases and measurement - , the OKI has created the Open Data Survey (the tool that powers GODI and the Open Data Census) in different contexts and with different goals. 

The Open Data Survey is a versatile tool and can be used to rank, compare, and highlight very different aspects of (open) data. 

Many organisations have repurposed the survey throughout the years to foreground information that these organisations find important, urgent or that help them reach their goals.

The OKI also invites you to submit new discussions around country entries on its forum or by e-mail if you have any ideas on how to take GODI forwards and improve.


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