OER Accessibility Toolkit : accessibility for Open Education
The goal of the Open Education Resources (OER) Accessibility Toolkit - developed by Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology Vancouver Campus - is to provide the needed resources needed to each content creator, instructor, instructional designer, educational technologist, librarian, administrator, and teaching assistant to create a truly open and accessible educational resource — one that is accessible for all students.
The Open Education Movement
has helped people in different parts of the world access content that they would otherwise not be able to view or interact with.
Open education resources reduce costs for students and allow for greater flexibility for instructors.
Accessibility can help push the movement even further forward. The focus of many open education projects is to provide access to education...
But what does access mean?
If the materials are not accessible for each and every student, do they fulfill the mandate to deliver fully open education?
As you work through the content of the OER Accessibility Toolkit
you will find that the suggestions provided are intended for the non-technical user.
If you are looking for more technical descriptions of how to make your work accessible, you can review the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
Source: http://wiki.ubc.ca/Documentation:Open_UBC/Guide/OER_Accessibility_Toolkit
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