Open Science 101 project

Open Science 101 initiative aims to develop an open science curriculum (and teaching materials) for the general concepts underlying the practices of Open Science.
What is Open? (Open Knowledge International).
The principles and facets of Open Science (Open Access, Open Data, Open Licences, Open Peer Review, Open educational resources, etc.) have become increasingly noted throughout the last couple of years. However ... many of the facets and principles are mainly known and applied by those who are interested in working openly anyway. Fostering (facets of) Open Science should not only be a case of "preaching to the converted", but also to give anyone an understanding of the concepts, principles, opportunities and challenges of these related subjects (Open Science 101, General Problem). |
The idea of 'Open Science 101' was born during the conference call (see the blog post) of the German OKFN Open Science working group. Being frustrated with the current state of Open Science skills in the scientific community (and their dissemination), 'Open Science 101' first step would be to collect teaching material for Open Science (in all its facets), in order to make teaching the principals of Open Science.
# The idea of 'Open Science 101' (the project team is scouting the interwebs if any similar initiative is already running and/or if there's teaching material that can be scavenged). # Ideas and open CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication (to facilitate optimal reusability) educational materials around the topic Open Science are currently collected using the Mozilla Science Lab Global Sprint 2016 and a repository at githubwe. # Collected material can already be used to introduce (see: Open Science Q&A) specific audiences to Open Science. # The project team invite you to help by pointing it to existing projects with similar aims, by: adding topics/suggestion in this issue tracker; joining the team on its slack channel. Please have a look to learn more how to contribute to the project following 'Open Science 101' Code of Conduct. |
The project team wants to come up with a set of educational resources that provide usable teaching material elaborating on the basic principles of Open Science that most of the different contexts (e.g. disciplines), if not all, have in common.
This material can then be easily adapted and complemented by domain-specific tools, regulations, or any other particular topics.
Over time, this can build an extended variety of educational materials that can be used for many different contexts.
The target audience are teachers who would like to build courses based on this material, students and researcher who would like to quickly get an overview of core Open Science concepts as well as anyone that is interested in Open Science.
# For a more detailed description of 'Open Science 101' target audience as well as potential contributors visit: personas file.
The second step of the project could be providing teaching courses by volunteers as is done in the Software/Data Carpentry initiatives.
- OKScienceDE/Open_Science_101
- Mozilla Science Lab
- OFKN Open Science AG
- OSR053 Sprint report „Open Science 101“ (on Open Science Radio)
# open-science mailing list > open-science at >
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Invitation to contribute to a Survey on Peer Review, Impact Measurement & Dissemination of Research Results (till 17 February, 2017).
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