South Africa is working towards the advancement of the OPEN SCIENCE agenda elsewhere on the continent

"Open Science refers to an approach to research based on greater access to public research data enabled by information and communications technology tools and platforms, broader collaboration in science – including the participation of non-scientists – and the use of alternative copyright tools for diffusing research results" (PDF2018 White Paper on Science, Technology and Innovation, Department Science & Technology, Republic of South Africa)

On 3 and 4 September 2018, the South Africa Department of Science and Technology (DST), alongside the African Open Science Platform (AOSP) Advisory Council, hosted a high-level stakeholder meeting which brought together individuals discussing The African Open Science Platform: The Future of Open Science, in particular on how AOSP is working towards the advancement of the Open Science agenda elsewhere on the continent and within regional frameworks, along with many other stakeholders. 

AOSP plays a strategic role, through which African-wide development and coordination of data policies, data training and data infrastructure, are leveraged. 

The following presentations from this meeting are now available for consultation:

How experiences of others guide us, so we don’t need to reinvent the wheel…

An understanding of EOSC (European Open Science Cloud), the EU experiences, and aligning with the rest of the scientific community in terms of Open Science and Open Data, is highly important for the success of all interested parties.


AIMS.FAO.ORG is looking forward towards creating awareness of the work done in Open AccessOpen Data, Open Science through dialogue, capacity development, collaboration and diversity, - in this way science can be advanced much faster, addressing the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

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And, thanks again for your interest ! 

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