The Roadmap for a pan-European e-Infrastructure for Open Science in Agri-Food Sciences mentions initiatives in support of agricultural data sharing & handling

Among the initiatives driving agricultural data sharing & handling, the Roadmap for a pan-European e-Infrastructure for Open Science in Agri-Food Sciences - developed under eROSA H2020 project* - mentions the following ones:
- The GODAN (Global Open Data for Agriculture & Nutrition),
- The RDA Interest Group for Agricultural Data (IGAD),
- Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA), Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS) and AGROVOC Thesaurus under the AIMS.FAO.ORG umbrella,
- The Wheat Initiative focused on the development of a Wheat Information System (Wheat IS),
- Wheat Data Interoperability Guidelines,
- Crop Ontology,
- AgroPortal,
- Global Agriculture Concept Space,
- Agrisemantics Map of Standars,
- The CGIAR Big Data Platform,
- Center of Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA),
- Agroknow,
- Land Portal Foundation.
For more details see the section 4.2 "Share: The existence of initiatives that support shared data handling" (pp. 19-20) of the Roadmap.
The eROSA roadmap document sets the visions for 2030 and discusses the main scientific challenges of the agri-food sector, which could be addressed from a pan-European e-Infrastructure for Open Science. This e-infrastructure is proposed to be built on top of a set of assets that already exist within the agri-food landscape. It aligns them with prominent Open Science initiatives such as the European Open Science Cloud of the European Commission. Finally, the roadmap provides a set of pragmatic recommendations for achieving the vision for a pan-European e-Infrastructure for Open Science in agricultural and food sciences. |
You are cordially invited to take a look at A Roadmap for a pan-European e-Infrastructure for Open Science in Agricultural and Food Sciences, to learn more about:
- Grand Challenges of the Agri-Food Community,
- Landscape of the Agri-Food Community Assets,
- Architectural Principles for a future e-infrastructure for Open Science in Agri-Food,
- Recommendations for the Future State of an e-Infrastructure for Open Science in Agri-Food.
Your comments and suggestions shared via this online form would be greatly appreciated.
* The strategic goal of the e-ROSA project is to provide guidance to European Commission’s policies by designing and laying the groundwork for a long-term programme. Goal of this program is to construct an e-infrastructure for open science in agriculture and food sciences that would position Europe as a major global player at the forefront of research and innovation in the world. Through a foresight approach, the project has a shared vision of future sustainable e-infrastructures for open science in agriculture and food sciences and makes it operable through pragmatic recommendations that are reflected in a common roadmap. |
* Welcome to Open Data Management in Agriculture and Nutrition Online Course
* Open Science: from values to practice. Building a roadmap for transformative change. REGISTER NOW. October 4th and 5th, 2018, Barcelona.
* Global Open Science Hardware Roadmap
* Science Forum 2018 : Win more, lose less: Capturing synergies between SDGs through AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH (Stellenbosch, South Africa, 10-12 October 2018)
* RUFORUM: Capacity Building in Agriculture
* Framework and Roadmap towards an Open Science Infrastructure (slides, CODATA, 2018)
* Data & Citizens in the African Open Research Data Space ; New & Emerging Technologies in Agriculture (SciDataCon, International Data Week, November 5-8, 2018, Gaborone, Botswana)
* GODAN Report “Open Access & Open Data at PUSH Universities”
* Turning FAIR Data into Reality - EC Expert Group Report and Action Plan: consultation and feedback (DEADLINE 5 August 2018)
* A design framework and exemplar metrics for FAIRness (Scientific Data, 26 June 2018)
* The Role of Librarians in transforming the world through Open Data and Open Science (slides, SCECSAL XXIII Conference, 2018)
* The Accord on Open Data in a Big Data World acknowledge the contribution librarians can make, and librarians agreed that more needed to be done in terms of embracing open science and open data, towards achieving the UN SDGs.
* FAIR data use-cases from a lot of experience in working with agricultural data: Agricultural Data Interest Group (IGAD) | RDA11 meeting, 21 - 23 March, 2018 (Berlin, Germany)
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