
Vous pouvez rechercher dans les archives du site web AIMS des articles sur tous les sujets liés aux AIMS.

  • Avoiding Data Use Silos : How to Simplify The Open Licensing Landscape

    The Open Knowledge International report  ‘Avoiding data use silos - How governments can simplify the open licensing landscape’ (December 2017) explains why reusable standard licences, or putting the data in the public domain, - are the best options for governments. While the report has a focus on government, many of the ...
  • About Federated Research Data Infrastructures (FRDI) : Knowledge Exchange Report (2017)

    Report details: The evolving landscape of Federated Research Data Infrastructures (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1064730; all content published can be shared according to CC BY 4.0)This report, commissioned from Knowledge Exchange (KE), is an overview and synthesis of the evolving landscape of Federated Research Data Infrastructures (FRDIs) in the six KE partner countries: ...
  • Organise your own Open Science Cafe & FOSTER Open Science!

    One of the main blockades for the actual shift to Open Science is that most people, even within the Open Science community, operate in separate silos.In order to overcome this, we need other formats than presentations and panels.Open Science Cafes do have the potential to connect different stakeholders, ...
  • Report on Business Models for Sustainable Research Data Repositories (OECD & CODATA, 2017)

    On 11 December 2017, the OECD released an OECD Global Science Forum and CODATA Report on Business Models for Sustainable Research Data Repositories Keywords: Open science, Research, Data, Business models, Repositories, Sustainability, Open DataThere is a large variety of repositories that are responsible for providing long term access to data that is ...
  • Supporting Data Literacy : recorded LIBER Webinar

    Research libraries are increasingly focusing on providing better support and training for Data Literacy, both to their staff and to their community of users. Two experts in this area are data librarians Robin Rice of the University of Edinburgh and John Southall, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford.They recently shared ...