
يمكن البحث في أرشيف موقع بوابة معايير إدارة المعلومات الزراعية عن الأخبار المتعلقة بأي موضوع حول معايير إدارة المعلومات الزراعية.

  • Drupal 7 and FRBR: A Mental Model

      I've been away from FRBR for years now, but it still sticks in the back of my mind and occasionally rises to the surface in a fit of feverish writing. Here's one such case, which attempts to fit FRBR into the existing technological capabilities of the forthcoming release of theDrupal ...
  • Need for CIARD Directory on tools

    Looking at the CIARD Web Ring site, we have the services and the standards, but no directory for tools. Then when we look at the AIMS we have Directory of tools that have standards, but have nothing on tools used for Content Management or Repository development e.g. DRUPAL, DSPACE ...
  • Survey on Open Access in Agriculture and Related Sciences

    The FAO of the United Nations has set up a Survey on Open Access in Agriculture and Related Sciences. This short questionnaire (less then 10 minutes) is designed to get a detailed overview of the state of the art of Open Access (OA) and Open Archives Initiative (OAI) within the Agriculture ...
  • FAO Country Profiles - Stage 4

    Stage 4 of the FAO Country Profiles project was recently approved by the Project Management Board. This stage will close the current FAO Country Profiles (FCP) project at the end of 2009. Based on the results of the project and the recommended follow-on actions, a new business case and project initiation document ...