
يمكن البحث في أرشيف موقع بوابة معايير إدارة المعلومات الزراعية عن الأخبار المتعلقة بأي موضوع حول معايير إدارة المعلومات الزراعية.

  • Unlocking the Potential of BLOCKCHAIN for AGRICULTURE (recorded GODAN webinar)

    Below you will find the recording of the GODAN webinar on Unlocking the Potentialof BLOCKCHAIN for AGRICULTURE.  BLOCKCHAIN: WHAT DOES IT MEAN? BLOCKCHAIN is a distributed technology allowing users to transfer digital assets (e.g. data) without intermediaries. The transaction is recorded in a digital ledger (or distributed ledger technology ...
  • The total number of AGRIS records reaches 9,670,840 (January 2019)

    The FAO AGRIS team is pleased to inform all AGRIS data providers and users about the AGRIS January 2019 data release with 21,626 new records! As of January 2019, the number of AGRIS multilingual bibliographic records has reached 9,670,840.   The AGRIS team at the FAO of the UN wishes to thank all AGRIS contributors ...
  • Search for Open Content with help of simple Tutorials created by OER Africa

    This Finding Open Content Tutorial schematic is offered by OER (Open Education Resources) Africa.  There is no requirement to log in or register, simply watch videos and interactive elements with your Internet connection. The tutorial covers:  A search strategy for Open Content What is Open Licensing? What is Open Content? ...